Frequently Asked Questions

UFCW Local 222

What is A Union?

A union is a group of individuals who come together in order to better represent themselves in their working relationship whit their employer.

What Does the Union Do?

The Union acts on your behalf to negotiate with your employer. The contract establishes levels of pay, benefits and working conditions. The Union makes sure that you receive fair treatment on the job by making your employer follow the contract. If you are treated unfairly - if you are disciplined or fired without just cause - the Union is there to defend you and to makes sure your rights are protected.

What is a contract?

A contract is legally binding agreement between you Union (who represents you) and your employer. The contract details your wages, your health and retirement plans, vacations, holidays, and the working conditions to which you are entitled.

Why Should I Join the Union?

A United membership is what gives the Union its strength. We need to be strong in order to negotiate increases for the workers! John F Kennedy once said," The labor movement is people. Unions have brought millions of men and women together and given them common tools for common goals."

Why Are Union Members Better Off?

The Union, Through the collective strength of the membership, can achieve through negotiations what an individual cannot. People who work without the protection of a Union are at the mercy of their employer and have no ability to protect themselves!

How Often Do We Negotiate a Contract?

Most contracts have a term of 3 years. You will be asked by your Union Representative to periodically submit your opinions on contract proposals. Contract Proposals will be distributed to members just prior to the expiration of your current contract.

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